Updated thinking around how we act and interact instinctively is key to understanding behaviours. Using the concepts of Nudge theory and Systems Thinking to underpin recognisable traditional models and theories our course objectives are to create an awareness of how to communicate by exploring who you are and who the recipient of your message is, whether horizontally, vertically or personally – a life skill.
NEUROSCIENCE FACT: We are programmed to think negatively (a survival tactic back in cave days) and research shows that ‘social’ pain (the pain of perceived rejection/insults/negativity) has a far longer lasting and damaging impact than physical pain.
Our one and two day training courses will equip you with the behaviours to understand how to communicate with others in any situation. We will share with you the neuroscience behind behaviours – the Science of Communication.
Using a balance of theory and practice to support our unique communication model we will cover topics such as the impact of body language and tone - what messages are you really sending out; the power and impact of words – what have you just said and why; written vs face to face communication – how was that e mail interpreted and what impact did it have?
Improved communication
What is actually being said or not said? The importance of body language and tonality. What is really motivating others?
Engaging for understanding
How to build trust so creating a successful relationship. What part does neuroscience have to play?
Understanding self and others
Who are you and what impact do you have on those around you – personal impact and presence?
Develop strategy
How can you use these valuable insights in building a strong interactive team and stakeholder relationships?
Improve your bottom line
By further developing these capabilities and increasing your impact and effectiveness, so maximising your potential and ultimately that of your organisation.
Our most popular courses include:
Communication Why? Who? What? How? Which? An easy to use framework to change your outcomes
How to Communicate when Team building inc. individual styles, team phases, motivational theories, Johari, problem solving, decision making, negotiation and influencing
How to Communicate in Management & leadership inc. the above management & leadership theories
Graduate training. Understanding others and how to communicate, from your Baby Boomers to Gen Z
However we aim to create a bespoke package based on our core concepts but tailored to your organisational needs. Pre course questionnaires will assist both facilitators and participants in creating a one of a kind learning experience.
Communicate with us now to discuss how we are able to help you and your organisation.
For greater reinforcement we suggest our follow up coaching program.