Maximise your Outcomes when Negotiating and Communicating Virtually
How comfortable are you with maximising your Virtual Negotiation and Communication outcomes?
What impact are you having on your counterpart? Are they subconsciously influencing your decisions?
What you can expect:
Learn how to create trust and relationships in this unnatural environment using the latest behavioural science and applicable neuroscience.
Negotiation & Influencing
Effective negotiators look beyond the stated to explore the true underlying motivators and needs.
How well do you (and your team) prepare your strategy beyond the facts?
Are you aware when and how they are influencing you?
Harvard state that over 80% of the potential outcome is achieved in the preparation and planning stage.
What you can expect:
Explore the science underpinning behaviours with our simple framework
Develop your strategy to gain a bigger share of the pie in an integrative negotiation with our tools and techniques
Learn how to negotiate successfully with competitive counterparts
The power and impact of influencing
Maintain the climate to build trust and relationships.
Such a crucial skill. In an increasingly diverse workplace the potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding is greater than ever. How successfully do your employees communicate internally and externally?
How well do your employees communicate?
How does your organisation interact with Millennials so used to communicating via technology for example?
Are those Millennials and Baby Boomers/Generation X groups really saying the same thing? Research shows that 95% of the workforce admits to having used technology to communicate rather than engage verbally or face to face.
How culturally aware and sensitive is your organisation?
Our unique culturally neutral model will give you the foundation for any sensitive communication you may need to undertake.
What is the gender make up of your organisation?
Does everyone have a voice when and where they should?
Are your Introverts (the group who very often have a very powerful message to share, but lack the confidence and ‘voice’ to convey it) comfortable with communicating at all times?
What you can expect:
A greater understanding of the impact of your words and behaviours on others, both consciously and subconsciously.
The tools and techniques to enable you to embed a new culture within your organisation
A culture that will be able to move toward your vision together.
Critical Thinking
Help your sales team really understand needs and problems to develop more creative proposals and solutions, so adding additional value.
How do you develop a ‘balanced thinking brain’, and what does this mean for you? Are your team subject matter experts, but struggle with the deeper exploration of customer needs?’
What you can expect:
Understand what part System thinking and Empathy thinking play
Use the latest thinking in behavioural neuroscience to leverage Critical Thinking and questioning through a combination of training and coaching
Embed and incorporate behaviour change.
Management & Leadership training
Why do some leaders command respect instantly – what do they do differently?
Grow, manage and equip your future leaders.
Use our frameworks and recognised models updated and overlaid with latest behavioural science as the cornerstone of individual and organisational success.
What you can expect:
Understand how the concept of heuristics can create maximum impact as a leader
Improve employee trust and engagement so increasing productivity and outputs
Embed behavioural change throughout your organisation – move beyond a transactional relationship üReduce conflict and confusion
Women in Negotiation
Lunch & learn / webinars in-house training – support women in enhancing their negotiation skills in a perceived traditionally male environment.
What does the science say about our behaviours and gender impact on our negotiations?
The core of our training is focused on developing a framework and strategies to manage these interactions so maximising outcomes. Our work supporting women starts with young girls from age 11 up.
In conjunction with InnoVationGirls we strive to embed in-demand negotiation and influencing skills at an early age, so preparing today’s young women for the boardroom of tomorrow.
What you can expect:
Using up to the minute neuroscience research we will show you how to maximise your individual and collective potential
Learn how subtle gender differences can bring greater personal impact and maximise your outcomes
Learn how to maximise your innate strengths and develop skills to reduce weaknesses
Negotiate more effectively with all genders.