So, you have your forecasts and vision clearly outlined for the next 5 years and are quietly confident that you have researched and predicted exactly what your market sector will look like in 5,10 or 15 years. You have made inroads into becoming a much leaner organisation, streamlined your operations, outsourced where necessary. You are focused on overcoming diversity and bias in your industry and fully support flexible working. Millennials? Gen Z? Bring them on board – they are a rich seam of new talent and creative thinking. Your HR team understands exactly what they need. You’ve won awards for your graduate training scheme and apprenticeships. Modern offices and creative space – of course - you’ve put the astro turf on the walls and yurts in the break out areas. State of the art technology for your up to the minute training? Tick. What a fantastically responsive CEO you are leading from the front with your finger on the pulse. Agile? You are positively acrobatic. Bring the future on.
You might like to just step out from that ivory tower for a moment and ponder this quote from Jennifer Currence president of OnCore Management Solutions
‘…effective managers will create environments that focus less on where and how people work, but which measure success based on results and outputs. As we shift to a workforce that is 100% autonomous and 100% accountable, performance is based on the results they create, not the hours they work. As we see more flexibility in the workplace managers are really going to have to focus more on the communication aspects and relationship management’
How high did trust, relationships and communication rank on your visionary journey? Disparate teams, an increasing need for transparency, cultural differences, up to four generations working alongside each other – surely these scenarios require a greater focus on building relationships for maximum efficiency? If we remove the office chit chat how will we learn about others on a personal level? No engaging in office banter at the coffee machine, canteen, across desks - this is where we build trust and relationships, explore shared experiences, common interests, football, films, holidays, family. That small talk is so incorrectly labelled. This is the BIG talk, where we connect, the foundation to the relationships we build. This is where we release the oxytocin to develop trust on a personal level to enable us to feel connected on an organisational level.
Yes – this is where the chemicals come in. Adrenaline, Cortisol, Testosterone, Oxytocin, Dopamine, Serotonin etc. These natural addictive substances are what make us who we are. By really understanding what each of these does and how they impact on us we have the ability to create a powerful force which will give us the knowledge to communicate, engage and improve performance, all of which combined naturally increase productivity.
Our training sessions at will share with you and your teams (in house or open course) the knowledge to understand the basic neurochemistry of our behaviours so giving you the ability to truly understand how to genuinely communicate, motivate and engage with others.
‘Organisations who are not embracing the science available today will be left behind tomorrow’